RTIm Direct
A fully integrated RTI data and program management solution aligned with NYSED framework for RTI
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a powerful means to ensure that struggling learners receive the intervention support they need. However, the burden of manually tracking, monitoring and managing Response to Intervention (RTI) throughout the process has long presented a formidable challenge.
Fortunately, RTIm Direct harnesses both the power of the Internet and the experience of educators who have been leaders in developing administrative K-12 software for more than 25 years. The result is a genuine breakthrough solution that can simplify the entire Response to Intervention (RTI) process, save time, provide easy access to data and support improved outcomes.
Using RTIm Direct to track and manage your Response to Intervention (RTI) model can help your school district:
- Support implementation of RTI
- Improve student achievement
- Reduce special education referrals
- Return time to teaching
- Reduce paperwork
- Enhance data-driven decision making
- Lower costs
RTIm Direct is a full-lifecycle software solution for tracking, documenting, monitoring and managing Response to Intervention (RTI). It is a comprehensive and user-friendly web-based system that will simplify and improve the implementation, management and outcomes of Response to Intervention (RTI) in your school.
RTIm Direct offers seamless compatibility with any and all assessments/curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) and interventions. It also supports both academic and behavioral RTI models. With RTIm Direct, you have the flexibility to use whatever assessments/curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) you prefer. You can import all of your student assessments/curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) in seconds with a click of the mouse.
RTIm Direct can be used as a fully integrated optional module of IEP Direct, or as a standalone application.